
   Invisibility is the state of an object that cannot be seen.The first time
that I saw this was in the film of Harry Potter that the protagonist,
Harry, went to a library and anybody can see he.
Is like a blanket that if you cover something directly became invisible. invisibility bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak

   I think that on the one hand this invention brings many good
things to the world. And to the person individually. For example,
the police can spy thieves and the thieves don’t know it.
invisibility bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
   I have to say that it also have disadvantages. If the
invention falls into the hands of bad people can do the
same that the police but upside down. Or they can steal things.

   In conclusion, the invention is very good but if they do a
good use of the object.


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